
Our Story

An environment to maximize healing and cleansing of the body & mind!

“Atmabodh” or self-realization is the state of merging with our true selves, of living in the state of bliss, without any signs of diseases or stress. Philosophically speaking, the word ‘Yoga’ also refers to the same state, of uniting with the divine, universal energy. Atmabodh Wellness Center was set up to act as a lighthouse, guiding people on this journey of Self Realization, by adopting a holistic lifestyle.

The team has strived to create a conducive environment where people can disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the world and focus within. Through various therapies, yogic practices and sattvic meals, they are able to not only heal and cleanse their bodies and mind but also energize themselves and evolve spiritually. It’s an ecosystem to revitalize ‘tann’ - the body, ‘mann’ - the mind and ‘atma’ - the soul .

about us

Core Values at Atmabodh

Self-realization, known as ‘Atmabodh’, signifies the path towards merging with our true essence. In philosophical terms, ‘Yoga’ also represents the pursuit of uniting with the divine that resides within us.


We are dedicated to serving our community and supporting each other in our paths to well-being.

Team Work

We celebrate achievements, milestones, and successes as a team, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie.


We uphold integrity in all our interactions, maintaining honesty and transparency.


We empower individuals to take control of their own health and wellness journey.

Continuous Improvement

Flexibility and adaptability are essential in a dynamic environment for continuous improvement.

Complete Well-Being

Atmabodh Wellness Center was established to provide a peaceful setting for individuals to detach from the busyness of life and direct their attention inward.

The purpose of Atmabodh Wellness Center in the words of the MD

Udit Agarwal

“Swami Ramdev Ji greatly influenced my spiritual journey, especially his attitude of selfless service for humanity. I started following him way back in 2006 as a health seeker and gradually realized the true meaning of good health. It’s not just about getting cured of physical illnesses, but much more. In fact, the word heath is derived from old English ‘hælth’ meaning ‘whole’ or ‘complete in itself’. It’s our natural state of being. That’s how we should live every moment of our life – complete, content, happy. However, most of us have deviated from that path. On connecting with our true Self, we are truly Healthy. And we are Happy. Purpose of our life is to be on that journey of Self-Discovery, of ‘Atmabodh’.”

It was early 2021. The world was emerging out of the shackles of the COVID 19 pandemic. People were realizing the importance of building their immunity and being closer to nature. In spite of all the scientific development, human stress has been rising worldwide. Udit Ji knew that our Health is of utmost importance and that ancient Indian wisdom had many answers that the world needs. He was looking for an opportunity to take the service of holistic health and wellness to many more people.

He got an opportunity to meet Swami Ramdev Ji and was inspired to learn about the mission of Patanjali Wellness. They discussed setting up a Patanjali Wellness Center somewhere in Pune and with the blessings of Param Pujya Ramdev Ji and Acharya Balkrishna Ji, the dream was brought to life within the next six months. ‘Atmabodh’- Maharashtra’s first Patanjali Wellness Center, was inaugurated on 15th December 2021, by Swami Ramdev Ji.

Long-time follower of Swami Ramdev Ji and the Managing Director of Atmabodh.

Udit Agarwal

Udit Agarwal Ji had realized that being ‘healthy’ doesn’t mean only being free from illnesses but being ‘whole’ and being ‘complete in oneself’. We need to connect with our true Self. That is the secret to happiness and healthy life.

It was early 2021. The world was emerging out of the shackles of the COVID 19 pandemic. People around the world were realizing the importance of building their immunity and being closer to nature. In spite of all the scientific development, human stress has been rising worldwide. A lot was not right. Udit Ji knew that there’s nothing more important than our health. He was looking for an opportunity to tread on a spiritual path and also to take the service of holistic health and wellness to many more people. He got an opportunity to meet Swami Videh Dev Ji and was inspired to learn about the mission of Patanjali Wellness and to see Swami Ji’s unwavering commitment to it.

They discussed setting up a Patanjali Wellness Center somewhere in Pune, although it was not an easy project to carry out for Udit or his family. He had a purpose to pursue and made a firm decision to make it happen. With the blessings of Param Pujya Ramdev Ji and Acharya Balkrishna Ji, and under continuous guidance from Swami Videh Dev Ji, the dream was brought to life within the next six months. ‘Atmabodh’- Maharashtra’s first Patanjali Wellness Center, was inaugurated on 15th December 2021, by Swami Ramdev Ji!

Inaugurated by Param Pujiya Swami Ramdev Ji

The center was inaugurated on 15th December 2021 by Param Pujiya Swami Ramdev Ji, as the first Patanjali Wellness Center in Maharashtra. The center has been set up and led by Udit Agarwal Ji, the Managing Director.

Atmabodh Wellness Center received all the know-how from Patanjali Yog Gram, Haridwar, and was set up to offer similar services to health seekers. With all the research and team of doctors and Yoga trainers coming down from Haridwar, this center is equipped to offer holistic healing based on Yoga, Ayurveda and Naturopathy. With a passionate team of over 75 people coming together from all over India, the center soon became an ideal destination to help people cleanse, heal and energize themselves.

Our Story