
What does a typical day in a health-seeker's life look like?

A Day at Atmabodh

The Atmabodh experience starts with a doctor’s consultation, wherein each health seeker is carefully prescribed a set of treatments, therapies, and diet.The general recommendation is to stay at the centre for a minimum span of seven days to avail good results, however, many patients stay for much longer, based on their medical conditions.

The day at Atmbodh begins at 4 in the morning with a well-planned holistic experience to look forward to. The foremost activity of the morning is the Shatkarma- these are cleansing techniques to keep the body strong, clean, and healthy by discarding harmful toxins and anything blocking the flow of prana in the body. The cleansing techniques are Neti, Dhauti, Nauli, Basti, Kapalabhati, and Trataka. What follows is a thorough yoga session, where all participants practise ‘asanas’ and ‘pranayams’ based on their ailments and needs. After these refreshing activities, health seekers head on to devour a nourishing diet including only unprocessed and organic food which is then followed by a series of prescribed therapy sessions. Later in the day, a Satvik lunch awaits the health-seekers which is known to increase energy, happiness, calmness, and mental clarity. Amongst the several activities that are planned for individuals, ‘rest’ is one of its crucial parts as well, as it would help function them at their best. After rest, comes the ancient form of massage- Acupressure which encourages the movement of energy through the meridians inside the body. The activities of the day end with a Yagya Therapy at the Havan Shala. Yagya is a scientific method in which herbs and medicinal plants are sacrificed with the help of the thermal energy of fire and the sonic vibrations of the mantras into a designed fire pit Yagya Kunda. These nano particles are inhaled by participants sitting around the Yagya Kunda, bringing deep medicinal benefits. After a long day, these health-seekers retire to their bedrooms by 9 PM. Individuals are guided by experts throughout this entire experience and expected to follow certain basic guidelines of the centre.

The daily routine at Atmabodh has been set up after several years of research, under the leadership of Param Pujya Ramdev Ji, in a way that maximises energy, cleansing and healing of all health-seekers. In a span of seven to ten days, participants adopt this routine as a part of their life-style and can follow the same after returning home.

Doctor’s Consultation Time

Therapeutic Activity





Please Note

Following the diet and Yoga asanas suggested at the center may be difficult to follow, especially on the first and second days. All health-seekers must bear in mind the very purpose of coming to this center and push themselves to follow the daily routine with full discipline.

The schedule described on this page is a greneral practice at Patanjali Wellness, however it may differ from person to person based on the purpose and medical conditions.

Daily Routine