
Arthritis is a broad term encompassing over 100 different types of joint diseases that cause pain, swelling, stiffness, and decreased joint mobility. It is a prevalent health condition affecting millions of people worldwide. The two most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid , but other forms, such as gout and lupus , also exist.

Prevalence and Impact:

Arthritis is a widespread health concern, with a significant impact on individuals’ daily lives. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that around 350 million people globally suffer from arthritis, and it is a leading cause of disability. The condition can affect people of all ages, genders, and ethnic backgrounds.

Therapies provided at our center

Joint Pain:

Persistent pain in one or more joints, often worsening with movement.


Reflexology is a type of therapy that uses gentle pressure on specific points along your feet.

Leech Therapy:

Leech therapy can improve blood flow and reduce muscle tension, making it an effective treatment for migraines.

Venous Congestion:

Leech therapy is believed to help improve blood circulation and reduce venous congestion.

Yoga Therapy:

Releases chronic muscle tension around vital organs like heart and digestive organs.

Causes and Risk Factors


The risk of arthritis increases with age, with osteoarthritis being more common in older adults.


Some types of arthritis, like rheumatoid , are more common in women.

Genetics and Inherited Traits:

Specific genes are associated with a higher risk of certain types of arthritis.

Joint Injuries:

Damage to a joint can contribute to the development of osteoarthritis in that joint.


Is linked to the progression and severity of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
At our wellness center, we also offer holistic approaches such as yoga, mindfulness meditation, and nutritional counseling to address the overall well-being of individuals with arthritis. These complementary therapies aim to enhance the conventional treatment methods and improve the quality of life for those affected by arthritis.
Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability.
Reflexology is a type of therapy that uses gentle pressure on specific points along your feet
Leech Therapy
Leech therapy can improve blood flow and reduce muscle tension, making it an effective treatment for migraines.
Yoga Therapy
Releases chronic muscle tension around vital organs like heart and digestive organs
